
Mocha on Monads

Disclaimer: This article can be classified as a Monad Tutorial and therefore considered harmful. Proceed at own risk.
The challenge in testing a browser application with Mocha is that the application behaves asynchronously because of things like page transitions and AJAX. This means that the test code often has to wait for some condition before continuing. And, as we all know, Javascript doesn't have threads and thus we cannot block when we wait. This means we need to use callbacks.
And because writing asynchronous code is tough, the test writer (me) avoids it and favors writing tests synchronously except when absolutely necessary. And sometimes they write a test synchronously even if the application actually behaves asynchronously. And often they get away with it, because the test passes. Until it doesn't. It may, for instance, pass on Chrome in 99% of the cases. But when you have a hundred test cases, that's not going to be enough.
And when something that used to be synchronous becomes asynchronous, shit will really hit the fan if the tests were sloppy. In my experience this happens quite often. For example, you add an AJAX call somewhere. Bang!
Mocha supports asynchronous testing for sure. You can use callback-style functions in your befores and its. When you need to perform a long sequence of (possibly asynchrous) operations, you may use a library such as zhain and you're a bit better off.
But you still can't beat the convenience of normal synchronous Javascript blocks, when it comes to passing any state from one of your async operations to another. So you'll start with code like this.
  var button = $("#loginForm button")
  var customerId = $("#customerId").text()
  assertEquals(666, customerId)
And when things get async, you will end up with code looking like this.
  findElement("#loginForm button") (function(button) {
    findElement("#customerId") (function(customerIdElement) {
       var customerId = customerIdElement.text()
       assertEquals(666, customerId)

  function findElement(selector) {
     return function f(done) {
       var element = $(selector)
       if (element.length) {
       } else {
         setTimeout(function() { f(done) }, 100)
Not a very complex case yet, yet a Callback Hell is starting to form here.
What if, just what if, you could write it like this instead:
  button <- findElement("#loginForm button")
  customerIdElement <- findElement("#customerId")
  let customerId = customerIdElement.text()
  assertEquals(666, customerId)
In this form, the asynchronous calls do not break the flow. You just indicate an asynchronous call with the arrow symbol<- code="">. Nice?
Shouldn't be too hard to implement a precompiler that would automatically convert this to the former callbacky form.

A New Abstraction

Quizz: What is the abstraction that allows the fancy syntax above to be applied not only to callbacks but to arbitrary constructs sharing a couple of common traits? Which programming language supports this syntax and automatically "desugars" it?
In this abstraction, you need a method for chaining things together. Using Haskell syntax, it would look like
chain :: M a -> (a -> M b) -> M b
But let's call it the chain method. And stick to Javascript, with a little sugar. By sugar I mean support for this fancy syntax extension. Not actual sugar.
Anyway, the actual code might look like this:
do {
  button <- findElement("#loginForm button")
  customerIdElement <- findElement("#customerId")
  let customerId = customerIdElement.text()
  assertEquals(666, customerId)
And this would be automatically preprocessed into
findElement("#loginForm button").chain(function(button) { 
    return findElement("#customerId").chain(function(customerIdElement) {
      var customerId = customerIdElement.text()
      assertEquals(666, customerId)
Which is vanilla Javascript again.
To make this work, the asynchronous operations, like the object returned by findElement, need a method namedchain.
We might implement it like here.
  Async = function(f) {
    if (!(this instanceof Async)) return new Async(f)
    this.run = f
  Async.prototype.chain = function(f) {
    var self = this
    return Chain(function(callback) {
      self.run(function(value) {
        var next = f(value)
And the findElement method would change to
  function findElement(selector) {
     return Async(function f(done) {
       var element = $(selector)
       if (element.length) {
       } else {
         setTimeout(function() { f(done) }, 100)
The only change here is that we wrap the returned function using Async.
Now, given we had this preprocessor, we should be able to use our fancy new syntax with asynchronous operations as long as they are wrapped using Async.

Some composition

Now what if we wanted to write a function getText that simply calls findElement and returns the element text by calling element.text()?
It would look like this.
function getText(selector) {
  return Async(function(done) {
    findElement(selector)(function(element) {
Ugly huh? Fancy syntax to the resque:
function getText(selector) {
  return do Async {
    element <- findElement(selector)
    return element.getText()
The do Async part here is to tell the preprocessor to use namely the Async abstraction. And return is not your typical Javascript return. In this syntax it is used to wrap a simple expression into an Async operation. This function would be converted to the following piece of Javascript.
function getText(selector) {
  return findElement(selector).chain(function(element) {
    return Async.of(element.getText())
So the preprocessor would convert return x into Async.of(x). This means we have to implement an of method into Async. Like here.
Async.of = Async.prototype.of = function(value) {
  return new Async(function(callback) {


As you might have deduced already, what I described above is a Javascripty version of Haskell's do-notation for Monads. The process of conververting do-notation into calls to the Monad methods is called desugaring.
But simply put, Monads are just things that support of and chain. These functions have different names in different environments (return and >>= in Haskell), but here I've chosen to use the names used in the fantasy-landspecification for Javascript.
Had we this notation in Javascript, we could use is for surprisingly many things, including Promises and Options. And the notation is not the only benefit of the Monads; there's a lot more you can build on top of this common interface.
For the record, the Roy language supports a very similar do-notation as described above. The thing with Roy is though that it is quite remote to actual Javascript and is not an easy replacement as-is. But on the Roy website, you can play with the do-notation (Monad) examples and see how it desugars the code, in case you're interested.
The Async Monad here is perhaps more widely known as the Continuation Monad. For the intended purpose (asynchronous testing in Javascript) a bit better suited Monad would be one that allows error propagation too, possibly using Node-style callbacks. In any case, all code here goes without warranties as I haven't actually run it.
Oh, and I'm sure some of you know how to write compilers and stuff, so pls make this precompiler and ship it to me on Github.
... some time passes ...
Oh, indeed the gods have forseen my desire and implemented a sweet.js based do-notations implementation for Javascript.


Asynchronous Functional Testing with Mocha and JQuery


Me and my friends been doing functional testing on our rather large single-page app, using Mocha and JQuery. JQuery is used to drive the system under test (SUT), usually started in an IFrame. JQuery is also used to verify that the application behaves as expected. For instance, in a todo-application, you might
Here S is a helper function that delegates to the JQuery instance in the SUT window. So the basic pattern is that you perform certain operations on the SUT and then verify that the application ends up in the expected end-state. In mocha, you might do this like
describe("Add todo button", function() {
    before(function() {

    it("Adds todo", function() {
If the application is synchronous this works just fine.


You might have guessed this. The minute you add your first asynchronous thing in the application, you enter the world of uncertain test results. That is, if your tests assume that after doing X, the application goes from state A to B. To get past this, you may use asynchronous functions in your before blocks. Like
before(function(done) {
  wait.until(function() { return S("#todos").length == 2}, done)
This will fix a single test case. Everytime you find that some test is unreliable, you add some kind of an ad-hoc asynchoronous wait. Now step to a situation where you have a hundred tests and you change your application so that something that used to be synchronous is now asynchronous. You'll get some failing tests. You may get tests that fail on some browsers and only sometimes. Horror!
Adding async waits to individual test setup steps doesn't scale. Been there, done that.


I strongly believe that we need a more systematic solution here. The developer shouldn't need to consider asyncronicity at each test step.
Why not go for a solution where after each before block and before each it, there should be an implicit async wait that would ensure that before the test proceeds, the framework ensures that all AJAX calls, animations, transitions, page loads and whatnot have finished.
Is this hard? Shouldn't be. Just monkey-patch before and it to include these steps. Gonna try this and write more afterwards. What do you think?


New Bacon.js blog

I added a new blog for Bacon.js. The Bacon.js related post will be there from now on. I figured this blog is a bit hard to find, considering the amount of typos in the name, for one thing. So, see you there!

Chicken, Egg and Bacon.js

FRP is easy when you can define your "event network" first and then just watch it make profit. For instance, you may define EventStreams and Properties based on DOM events, compose them, do some AJAX and show the result in the UI, just like we did in the Bacon.js Tutorial parts II & III.
Sooner or later, though, you'll run into the "chicken and egg" problem: you need to base your streams on something that will change on the fly. So, you cannot just define your streams based on existing DOM objects, because the DOM will change.
For example, if you want to implement the quite well-known TodoMVC application with Bacon.js, you'll have to solve this problem. I suggest you take a look at TodoMVC yourself, but here's a brief description of the problem. Let's start with a screenshot.
The TodoMVC application is a simple task manager; you add new tasks, mark them complete, edit them and delete them. You have the All, Active and Completed views. Stuff like that.
Assuming you've read the previous log posts and done some Bacon.js coding, you'd hack most of the app together in a couple of hours, save for the tough part. The tough part is the dynamic view, say TodoListView, which lists the Todos that match the current filter (All/Active/Completed). In fact, the only tough part of the view is that the view also allows you to edit and delete the tasks.
Now let's start with the assumption that we want to define a Property, say todosProperty that captures the whole data model of the application. The value of this Property will be an Array of Todos, i.e. something like this:
  { id: 1, title: "Buy Bacon", completed: false },
  { id: 2, title: "Buy Eggs", completed: false }
This model would make it very easy to re-render the list whenever the property changes. Also it would be easy to show only completed or active task by applying a filter:
var activeTodos = todosProperty
  .map(function(todos) { return _.where({ completed: false })})
The number of active tasks could be derived like this:
var activeTaskCount = activeTodos.map(".length")
To simplify a bit, the todosProperty itself would now depend on item additions only, so we could define the property in a very FRP'ish way:
var newTodos; // stream of new Todo items
var todosProperty = addedItems.scan([], function(todos, todo) {
  return todos.concat([todo])
In real life, there are more factors involved, but let's stick to this assumption for now.

If the list was not editable

If the list items were not editable, it would be easy to render the list based on the todosProperty:
var todosProperty; // a Property containing an Array of Todos
var listElement; // jQuery element
todosProperty.onValue(function(todos) {
  _.each(todos, function(todo) {
    var todoElement = renderTodoView(todo)
We just redraw the list each time anything changes. The list items are not editable so we don't have to capture any data from them. Just render and forget.

If the view was static

On the other hand, if view was static, i.e. the set of displayed items was not changing, things would be quite easy too. Now you could capture the edits for the Todo items with something like this:
var todos; // list of todos
var listElement; // jQuery element
var properties = _.map(todos, function(todo) {
  // call renderer function, returns a jQuery element
  var todoElement = renderTodoView(todo) 
  // Use Bacon.UI helpers to create Properties for the "title" and "completed" fields
  return Bacon.combineTemplate({
    title: Bacon.UI.textFieldValue(todoElement.find(".edit"), todo.title)
    completed: Bacon.UI.checkBoxValue(todoElement.find(".toggle", todo.completed)
// now we convert this list of Properties to a single property
// each value of which is an Array of Properties
var todosProperty = Bacon.combineTemplate(properties)
Nice and easy. Render Todos once, collect editor values into a single Property using a couple of combineTemplate calls and we've re-defined the todosProperty.

But it's dynamic and editable

So it happens to be the case that the value of todosProperty depends on user's interaction with the DOM elements corresponding each Todo item on the list. And these DOM elements will be added and removed based on changes to the todosProperty. Classic chicken-egg.
The point of this blog post is to present some of the known solutions to this problem.

Event delegation (a.k.a live bindings)

One way around that chicken-egg problem with dynamically-created views is to use event delegation; bind event handlers to a containing element, and use a specific selector as the second argument to asEventStream. In TodoMVC, we could try something like
var itemEdits = listElement.asEventStream("keyup", ".edit")
This would give us all keyup events from child elements of listElement, matching the .edit selector. Practically we'd get events when the user edits any of the Todo titles on the list.
Now we could re-define todosProperty to take these events into account. But before that we'd have to take care of something: we need to include some identifier into the events in order to know which Todo was actually edited. One way to do this would be to include a data-todo-id attribute to the text input element. This wouldn't be a big deal especially if we used a templating lib like Handlebars.
Assuming the text input element had this data attribute, we could continue like
var itemEdits = listElement.asEventStream("keyup", ".edit")
  .map(function(event) {
    var textField = $(event.target)
    return {
      id: textField.attr("data-todo-id"),
      newTitle: textField.val()
Which would give us a stream of all item edits. For example
{ id: 1, newTitle: "Buy a lot of bacon" }
Re-implementing the todosProperty could now be done in a number of different ways. For some reason, I like to model this by constructing a number of streams containing modifications to the list, where the modifications are actually functions that take the previous list of Todos and return the modified list. So we might say
var itemModifications = itemEdits.map(function(edit) {
  return function(todos) {
    return _.map(todos, function(todo) {
      if (todo.id == edit.id) {
        return _.extend(_.clone(todo), { title: edit.newTitle})
      } else {
        return todo
This converts the stream of edits into a stream of functions that will transform the list of todos by changing the title of a single todo. We'd also have to convert the stream of new Todos into this form, but I'll leave that as an excercise for you. The todosPropertywould now look like
var todosProperty = itemModifications.merge(itemAdditions)
  .scan([], function(todos, modification) {
    return modification(todos)
So, for some cases, we can come by the chicken-egg problem by using jQuery smartly. But at least I find this a bit inelegant and not very scalable; speaking in MVC terms, you have to create your Views before you create your Model because the latter depends on the former.

Apply some MVC

At this point I'm struggling not to bake in some smart-ass analogy involving chickens, eggs and bacon. And speaking of MVC, there's another way to get by the chicken-egg problem.
So far we've kept trying to define todoProperty in the traditional FRP way, which is, by composing from a fixed set of source streams. This is elegant to some point. But sometimes it may be more practical and arguably more elegant to make a switch from pull to push. And use Bacon.Bus.
Instead of defining all of the event sources at once, we can introduce a Bus, which allows us to explicitly push() events to the stream. It also allows us to plug() in streams after the creation of todosProperty.
So let's take a step towards a more traditional MVC architecture and use a stateful model object to represent the list of Todos. The UI can tell this model to change using methods like addTodoremoveTodo and modifyTodo.
We'll use a variable, todos in the list model to hold the current list of Todos.
function TodoListModel() {
  var todos = []
  var changes = new Bacon.Bus()
  this.todoProperty = changes.toProperty(todos)

  function update(modification) {
    todos = modification(todos)

  this.addTodo = function(newTodo) {
    update(function(todos) {
      return todos.concat([newTodo])
  this.modifyTodo = function(updatedTodo) {
    update(function(todos) { 
      return _.map(todos, function(todo) {
        return todo.id === updatedTodo.id ? updatedTodo : todo
This model object now exposes the field todoProperty which can be used like in the earlier examples. You might notice that I'm using the exact same functions for the actual list modifications too. The idea is to expose the required set of imperative-style mutator functions that will modify the model's state and push the new list of Todos to the Bus object changes. The exposed todoPropertynow reflects the current state of the model, which is the latest list pushed to changes.
Now it's easy to derive Properties like activeTodoscompletedTodosactiveTodoCount etc in the FRP way.
To summarize, we use imperative style for changing state, but expose the state as FRP EventStreams and Properties. One might say that we gain the best of both worlds.
This approach may get easier by using, for instance, an actual Backbone model and expose its state as EventStreams and Properties, as in the Backbone-Bacon TodoMVC list model by Jarno Keskikangas. He's even put a Backbone.EventStreams library on Github. In his own words,
Bacon gives superpowers to Backbone controllers.

One step back towards FRP

If you feel uncomfortable with variables (I do), you might want to revise the MVC solution above. Instead of using a variable, we'll usescan:
function TodoListModel() {
  // A Bus of modification functions
  var modifications = new Bacon.Bus()
  this.todoProperty = modifications.scan([], function(todos, modification) {
    return modification(todos)

  function update(modification) {

  // no changes to the rest...
So that's the same scan approach as in the pure FRP solution.

Yet another step towards FRP

This is the way I actually implemented TodoMVC. And submitted a Pull Request too.
Instead of exposing imperative mutators in the model, you can expose corresponding Bus objects. This allows you to plug-in source streams to the model. The model would look like this:
function TodoListModel() {
  function mapTodos(f) { return function (todos) { return _.map(todos, f) } }

  function modifyTodo(updatedTodo) {
    return mapTodos(function (todo) {
      return todo.id === updatedTodo.id ? updatedTodo : todo
  function addTodo(newTodo) {
    return function (todos) {
      return todos.concat([newTodo])

  this.todoAdded = new Bacon.Bus()
  this.todoModified = new Bacon.Bus()

  var modifications = this.todoAdded.map(addTodo)

  this.todoProperty = modifications.scan([], function (todos, modification) {
    return modification(todos)
It the View code you'll plug-in streams to the exposed Buses todoAdded and todoModified. For instance, this is how you might implement a simplified view responsible of rendering a single Todo row.
function TodoView(todo, listModel) {
  var element = render(todo) // use Handlebars or whatnot
  var titleChanges = element.find(".edit").asEventStream("keyup")
  var modifications = titleChanges.map(function(title) {
    return { id: todo.id, title: title, completed: todo.completed }
One advantage of this approach, compared to the previous one with the imperative mutators is that when you expose the busestodoAdded and todoModified you're also exposing the same things as streams. So now your View components can subscribe to these streams to react to Todo additions and modifications!
There's a little catch here too: you should make sure you apply an "end condition" to the input streams you plug into the model Buses. If you don't do this, the Bus will have references to the streams even after the corresponding UI components have been removed. In practise, you'll probably remove the UI components based on an event in some EventStream, so you can use this same stream for ending the input streams. For example, in TodoView you might have a deleted stream that signals the deletion of this particular Todo. Just add .takeUntil(deleted) to your modifications stream and it will end on deletion:
function TodoView(todo, listModel) {
  // .. begins as before ..
  var deleted = listModel.todoProperty.changes.filter(function(todos) {
    return _.where({ id: todo.id}).length == 0
  deleted.onValue(function() { element.remove() })
You may have a look at the full Bacon.js TodoMVC implementation for reference. I'm sorry for the tab indentation. That's the standard for TodoMVC. Also, don't expect the implementation to be exactly the same as in any of the above examples. But it definitely is based on a TodoListModel that exposes Buses and streams to the Views.


We've actually covered two related problems in the pure FRP approach, both of which stem from having to introduce some Views before the Model because the Model depends on the Views.
  1. The Chicken-Egg Problem - your Model depends on your Views which depend on the Model
  2. The Coupling Problem - you have to Introduce some View components before the Model, so you cannot properly modularize your application
The first problem in isolation can be in some cases solved by using techniques like jQuery event delegation. But to address the problem in the bigger picture, you need to apply architectural solutions, such as introducing a Model object with either mutator functions or pluggable Bus objects.